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Are you ready to transform your entire life? 


Whether you’re looking to make huge leaps in your spiritual growth,

scale your business or achieve your personal goals...


We've helped thousands of women build their freedom plan

and helped them get completely moved and motivated to create their Legacy.


This is the Experience for the woman that wants to lead a legacy-driven life that has conscious purpose,

makes a difference and is soul rich with fulfilment.

Uncover your Soul Blueprint
Be ALL that you can be



You can meet yourself in ways you never thought possible. 


When you can uncover the deeper spiritual meaning of your relationships, circumstances and greatest challenges ...


You can heal from those challenges


truly live the life you came here to live. 


You can have the extraordinary life of your dreams

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Just imagine for a moment, that in one year, you radically manifest all that your heart desires.

Imagine that you have a guarantee that you will actualize and materialize beyond your wild dreams.

Imagine that in 2023 you create a legacy-driven life that has purpose,
makes a difference, and is rich with fulfillment.

Imagine that you create an extraordinary life, full of
vitality, abundance, purpose, home, family and conscious and sincere relationships.

Imagine that your work and business radically progresses; giving you results that feel miraculous and divine.

Imagine that you have the freedom to live your life in a way that feels magical, purposeful and intentional.


Can you believe this is available & possible for you?


Because it is....

The Eternal Experience

Align yourself with your highest potential,

your best possible reality and your most aligned timeline.



For years and years now,

women have asked me to provide a space for the ultimate productivity and fulfillment,

spirituality, business and personal evolution.


This is the ETERNAL experience.

I know that when I need to make big life choices,

I create a safe space for myself to decide and then forge forward to take action. 


Finding that space online was rare...

I wanted to trust the path ahead, and the Mentor guiding me.

I wanted to trust the women in the group and see daily evidence that my life was changing. 


ETERNAL has now evolved into such a container of rapid results,

support, transformation and love. 


The whole purpose of ETERNAL is to connect to your Soul Blueprint,

 gain clarity and step into the next level of your purpose and power.


And you will be successful.


From the place of owning who you are and deciding what you are and are not available for in your life -

Miracles Happen.


Devote 2024 to the fulfillment of your Soul’s Life Plan 

How does it work?

I know that following my soul every day whilst making my decisions from a place of alignment, freedom, ease, trust... has made the biggest impact on my life. This has allowed me to craft a life with deeper fulfilment, more money and spiritual growth.

When you step into our ETERNAL Mastermind, and being around me, and having access to a live transmission of how I think, live, create and believe, this gives a woman permission to see that it is possible for themselves. The potential of living a deeply awakened life is so magnificent and so far beyond most of what we see in the world, and this is what is possible for you. 

Each week you have access to support and major alchemical shifts. Your chemistry will change and you will be an entirely new human by the end of the journey together. Learning to explore deeply is opening to the ultimate possibility that is your life. Your internal awakening opens the door to a truly unimaginable possibility.

As you navigate each monthly theme you will be immersed in ETERNAL learning through the education, practical experience and experimentation of the monthly curriculum. 

Our community of incredible women are phenomenal. We hold the vibration of change with you. I will personalize your 1:1 support sessions and work with you specifically to help you achieve your most desired goals. 

Together, we will do great things. 

Eternal is immersive, intensive and a deeply life changing process.


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Meet Susan Santoro

Your ETERNAL Creator  

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 I'm Susan

I carry a transitional light energy that aids, heals and helps women transform.

ETERNAL will completely alter the course of your life. You will come to know your exact reason for being and be empowered to pursue your Soul's Blueprint fully.

Guiding women to Quantum Leap to their most optimum reality is both breathtaking and beautiful. 

This is the exact process I have used for all of my life’s accomplishments and it has helped change the lives of many of my clients for the better.  

I am here to help women step into an unlimited reality, and an entirely new life experience.  

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what they said



'Susan was the first person that opened my eyes to realise that anyone is worthy of living an incredible life. It is possible, if we can just believe in ourselves and do what lights us up.' 

Upon working with Susan I was really lost and I had realised that I didn't have the strategies or tools to enable my ideas to grow into something successful whilst impacting others and having time freedom for my children. The program helps guide you through this process. Just being able to have this space, and go so deep was so, so magical!!! 

Since then, I created and hosted a successful event for over 300 women, overcame my fear of public speaking, have grown multiple online ‘freedom plan’ businesses, purchased an F45 Training Gym, fallen deeply in love and manifested a partner, managed a healthy pregnancy and birthed a beautiful baby girl Leni at the age of 44, whilst still being a busy mama to my other 2 children. I realised I get to have it all. 

Susan has an incredible message to put out to the world in helping so many women find their purpose and to just go for it and follow their dreams and passions. This program has been the turning point of my beliefs and actions towards myself and others. I am more compassionate, grateful, loving, confident and spiritual to take action and to happily enjoy the journey of success. Susan, you are absolutely incredible, caring, with the biggest heart and thank you for providing me with the most beautiful life experience and for really seeing me.

~ Kelli S, Australia


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'Susan is an incredible mentor.

She believes in you when no one else really does.'


Susan really reminded me that I create my own rules for my life, and my business, and the way that I want to live in the world. Her programs feel otherworldly and provide a doorway to the mystical, in a really practical and grounded way.

Working with Susan allowed me to really dream and create a whole new level of offerings that feel so soul aligned! Going through the process continued to remind me that systems really allow me to just create and do what I am great at. That I am truly free in my life, and doing my sacred work in the world that feels so good. 

Susan can move from strategy to energy, leads from intuition and can then move seamlessly into demonstrating a step by step process of how to build your life, and a brand. She breaks concepts down really easily, and helps you rediscover your magic again. I felt amazing after every masterclass and session.

I felt so supported throughout the whole process- I was able to craft up an incredible Temple offering, present to hundreds of women on stage, and feel like I am facilitating my true life’s work now in a really intimate way- with energy work and my womb work. 

I would always highly, highly recommend Susan, it will change the way you look at your life and your business forever.

~Zapheria Bell, Bali

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“Susan, you, your love, your strategy, your knowledge, your belief in me has changed my life, and my business forever!

I am so grateful to you!”


As a result of doing your process, I went through a deep initiation of facing and letting go of so many old behaviours and limiting beliefs. I worked through my self love, self-esteem, confidence to put my gifts out to the world, and really got to know myself well. It was really challenging at times, but for the most part I really felt like I came back home to myself, and my dreams, and my life purpose, over and over again.

I learnt how to pull all of my ideas, yoga skills, beliefs and desire for a life of gypsy freedom- and channelled them into creating the Om and Love Project. I also learnt a lot of practical skills. How to ground myself, and how to structure my ideas from my upper chakras. I learnt how to feel into my heart and create content (that feels really aligned).

I learnt how to plan, produce and edit videos and photoshoots, create a workbook and guided meditations to best help my clients, complete a gorgeous website and an effective social media plan, as well know how to launch my offerings to the world, in a way that feels true to me. I have learnt so, so much, and continue to deepen every time I am able to dive in deeper to the program live rounds again. 

Susan, you continue to show me possibilities and give me hope. You help me deeply feel, and remind me of my special gifts. 

You forever changed my life. I adore you.

~Karen Love, Costa Rica


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'My dream of The Voices Of has produced many sold out events, programs, performances and The Voices Of Program has helped so many people across Australia"


Susan has played such an integral part to the initial birthing of “The Voices Of Movement". I had a vision to create a program for others to go through the creative process of expressing the voices within, but had no background in marketing, sales or the basics of business. I had just finished one of my theatre tours of my one woman show, and I shared my vision with Susan of wanting to create a business with additional programs and events.

After a few hours together, frantically mapping out ideas, Susan helped me bring the big vision to life. We worked on the inner and outer to help me step up to be a leader with this work.

I appreciate Susan’s creative genius, years of experience in business, open mindedness, down to earth coaching. We went to some deep spaces and places, and with the many tears and laughter we launched it, and it was a success.

~Tali Brash, Australia

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Are you ready to become the most extraordinary version of you?

Are you ready to become the most extraordinary version of you?

the modules



Identify your true vocation, understand the impact of your work in the world, and transcend any blocks holding you back from truly stepping into your biggest career dream. When you really connect to your purpose, mission and your true work; you’ll channel the best use of yourself in this world. This Module covers the strategy, soul and systems required to leverage your best work. Growing your mindset, hobbies, business and entrepreneurship is more than just increasing your revenue, it’s also about expanding your impact and taking ownership over the exact lifestyle you want to live. You will recognize the best expression of your gifts and use your calling to be the catalyst for your divine service and effortlessly build your Legacy.



Here we will learn the internal workings of our mind and the influence it has on our outer world. We’ll explore your beliefs, inner programming and the science behind creating radical transformation. This is where you’ll learn the art of alchemical mood boarding to materialize your desires and bring them to life. You’ll be guided through ancient pathworking techniques and understand the role that your energy centers play in impacting your emotional states. This Module is devoted to expanding your consciousness within the realms of quantum physics and collapsing old constructs about how your reality is organized.



Learn how to harness your connection to the Eternal Soul that lives within you. Develop your intuition and deeper wisdom in this mystical Module. Here we will traverse topics of Karma, Reincarnation and will help you further solidify the metaphysical aspects of what your Soul’s Blueprint is as we help you to uncover your purpose and alignment. You will undergo a Life Review and identify your Soul Themes. You’ll be guided to deepen your spiritual gifts and open up to a higher governance. You’ll gain profound insight into the qualities you are working with this lifetime and consciously release the past.



This Module helps you navigate your Pre-Birth Plan and understand the importance of what you planned for this lifetime and how well you are doing in the fulfillment of your plan. You’ll have the opportunity to meet your Spirit Team, passed over loved ones and hone in on your spiritual and intuitive skills. You’ll experience a Soul Regression that will lead to a deeper understanding of who you are as an eternal soul and how to better fulfill your plan, as well as explore past lives and their influence. These explorations lead to a profound ‘inner shift’ and much greater acceptance of your Soul’s Blueprint. This is about designing your life the way you want with this newfound understanding and succeeding!



The exploration of this Module will help you to understand the karmic connections behind all the relationships you have formed in your lifetime. You will navigate the energetics, beliefs and emotions of what it feels like to have soul allies in our family, children and close friendships. You will gain clarity to leap to the reality where these relationships are for your highest soul growth and know how to leap into the new relations you desire. You will be able to understand the true purpose for your Pre- Birth Plan and how to consciously use your challenges to foster spiritual growth.  You will replace anger, guilt, and blame with forgiveness, acceptance, and peace. You will cross the threshold to have your soul weighed and overcome any trauma, tragedy and life experience holding you back. Most importantly, you’ll activate all your synchronicities to accelerate your manifestations this lifetime!



Here you’ll learn about the bigger picture to the inner workings of the ‘Multiverse’. You will understand how you create your reality, how to technically raise your vibration and align your frequency to an alternate timeline. A quantum leap can be made through intention, technique and practices will help your quantum leaps physically land you in other realities. You get to identify what the next set of experiences of your life journey you want, in order to help evolve your soul and expand your consciousness. You’ll journey through the Akashic Records and explore pathworkings for ultimate materialization. When you gain clarity over these deeper distinctions, you understand how to attune your inner Quantum codes for the ultimate leaps to occur for your life again and again!

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Eternal Digital Library 

+ Exclusive  Access

You will access the most amazing custom online portal that is home to our training and program. Our progressive support material, workbooks, videos, resources, audio activations and meditations live here. We are big on helping you to up-level your results, delivered in the right structure as we know that you’ll want to refer back to your most favorite training, time and time again.


Premium Coaching,

Training + Masterclasses

Our program consist of a variety of education, weekly live group Masterclasses, Personalized 1:1 Support Sessions, Guided Audio Journeys, Live Intensive Workshops and an online community to help you explore the very best processes for your alignment, life to go BIG. Eternal will bring you into deep alignment with your soul’s calling and bring your mission into focus. Guided experiential activities and immersive processes are designed to create deep change from the inside out. Miracles are known to happen during our classes!


Expert Wisdom 

+ Intuitive Guidance 

Susan Santoro has an extensive background in neuro linguistic programming (N.L.P), over 14,000+ hours of practical life and business mentoring and over 15 years experience in coaching and human behavior. Susan brings her metaphysical knowledge, wisdom, intuitive guidance and energy to every single interaction for your ultimate expansion. You will be able to look back on your desired goals and journey, experiencing just how this inner work leads to physical, tangible and miraculous results.


Eternal Facebook

Group + Business Strategy

You'll experience ongoing business advice, life guidance and entrepreneurial support within this group. Our private online community is an active 24/7 support network. Best known for being a community of radically responsible, ethical and beautiful souls within our sisterhood. Huge Hearts, Huge Integrity. This is a highly engaged and highly intimate community of women that is world class. We encourage you to speak your truth and jam on anything you want and need. Use this space for ultimate truth-telling and to give back, add value and feel supported in your transformation, education and implementation.

Who is it for?

Eternal is for a courageous woman that is ready to ask the big questions of herself and her place on this earth.

The more she gets to truly live, the more free she will feel now.

The more free she will feel, the greater the impact she will have on the earth’s footprint.

She is here for a BIG life.

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Is this you?

  • You’re prepared to put in the inner work to turn your life story around and take it to the absolute next level. You are ready for new strategy, new spiritual codes, new activations and new ways of being. You know you are a self-responsible woman who is the creator of your own reality!
  • You feel that now is the best time ever in history for you to do everything it takes to see your miracle results manifest and to start living for you.
  • You are a woman ready to see your life, prosperity and wealth expand in powerful and wonderful ways. 
  • You are a woman who desires to do something BIG in this world. You know that in order to do this it requires you to change up your money, energy, frequency, work and lead from soul.
  • You are a woman who strives to be of service to others. A great role model, influencer, leader, and an awesome example that is eager to design a life of freedom that you love.
  • You are an empowered woman fully ready to make a difference for your family, work, your community and your mission.
  • You are ready to meet yourself in all the ways required to know you gave this life everything you have.


Eternal will give you:

  • Clarity that you are heeding the call of the right work vocation, on track in the right career or business. Getting super clear that this current career expression will be the best use of you in the world.
  • Absolute confirmation and certainty of what your Soul Blueprint is, and understanding your Pre-Birth Planning. You'll know exactly what you are meant to do in this lifetime and will have the courage to act on that, daily. 
  • Recognition in the areas you have stopped growing in your life and having the courage to relight the fire. Harness the clarity of soul intuition and courage to act according to what your heart knows.
  • Knowledge on what freedom models and systems to focus your time and energy on that will yield you the biggest financial returns.
  • The courage to ask the deeper questions of yourself to create a life without regrets and being committed to the unfolding of that vision.
  • Healing from the hormones of stress, anxiety and toxic patterns. Breaking free from thoughts, behavior or limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.
  • Improvement and radical shifts of ways that you relate intimately. Strengthened relationships, stronger boundaries and fulfilment in expressing what you really want and desire.

Your Entire Life Can Change Today,

when you say yes! 


Create your Legacy 

 $9,999 A.U.D


Eternal Terms of Purchase    

All Purchases are final, and no refunds for change of mind will be issued. 

Susan Santoro International Pty Ltd does not make any guarantees about your ability to achieve results or earn any money with our educational tools, resources or strategies. We also do not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on use of this Website, nor are we responsible for your earnings, any increase or decrease in your finances based upon information you interpreted from Website. Any information or testimonials contained herein that contain financial information are individual results that may vary. You recognize and agree that we have made no guarantees, declarations, implications, warranties, promises or suggestions about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of our programs, products or services. Â